Mouth Cancer Action Month About mouth cancer Mouth Cancer Action Month Mouth cancer statistics How to spot mouth cancer Mouth cancer risk factors Living with mouth cancer The State of Mouth Cancer UK Report 2022 Patient journeys Get involved Blue Ribbon Appeal Blue Wednesday Become an ambassador Fundraising Need some inspiration? Set up your fundraising page Our current fundraisers Other ways to fundraise Make a donation Support services Downloads Pages Spare change bucket Have you always got some coppers or other loose change in your pocket, then why not throw whatever is left in your pocket at the end of the day into a pot. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it adds up. Alternatively, contact us for some branded, sealable collection buckets. Place these in areas of your office that people walk past a lot, like the kitchen, reception and meeting rooms. Colleagues can drop spare change into the buckets whenever they walk past, with minimal effort from yourself too. What you need A collection bucket. Steps to organise your collection Place your collection bucket in an obvious place, ideally with a poster to explain what it is about. Collect and send the funds you raise to us so we can continue to bring better oral health to all Useful links: Fundraising FAQs Our Appeals Oral Health Foundation shop Manage Cookie Preferences