Mouth Cancer Action Month

We're raising money for the Oral Health Foundation, the leading independent charity in the UK dedicated to improving oral health and well-being across the globe through public awareness campaigns.

About mouth cancer

Mouth cancer is a devastating disease.

Those diagnosed can often suffer from problems with breathing, swallowing, drinking and eating. Speech may also be affected, and occasionally even lost. Facial disfigurement can also occur.

This can lead to other problems such as nutritional deficiency, and depression. Difficulties in communication, low self-esteem, social isolation and the impact on relationships can cause as much distress as the cancer itself.

Despite this, awareness of this deadly disease remains dangerously low.

We're raising money to help more people become aware of the causes, signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.

Make a donation

A donation to the Mouth Cancer Action Appeal will go towards improving awareness of mouth cancer, influencing policy, and making a direct impact to the quality of people's lives.

The more we know about mouth cancer, the better chance we have to beat it.

Please select a donation amount (required)

Ivy Glavee