The Oral Health Foundation is concerned about the choices that more patients are making regarding their dental treatment. We are specifically worried about the dangers of direct-to-consumer orthodontics and DIY tooth whitening carried out by non-dental professionals. Our charity is also alarmed by the increase in bizarre DIY hacks through social media, as well as the rise in dental tourism. To combat this, the Oral Health Foundation is launching a new campaign this Autumn, that will promote smart consumer choices and the benefits of dental treatment being carried out by trained clinicians in the dental practice setting. We are keen to understand more about the trends in treatments and would like to hear about your experiences with patients who have chosen DIY and direct-to-consumer options. This short survey will take less than 5 minutes. Thank you for your support.
In your professional experience, how has the demand for these treatments changed in the last five years?
The Oral Health Foundation would like to collect first hand accounts of those impacted by DIY, direct-to-consumer dentistry, and dental tourism. This means hearing about real life stories from patients, and the dental professionals who have repaired their smile. These testimonies could be written as an article, filmed on video, or audio recorded. They might appear on the Oral Health Foundation’s website, on social media, or be used in the media.
We have updated our privacy policy to ensure we are compliant with new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). By submitting this form, we assure you we will only contact you if you have given us permission to do so, and in the manner you have asked. We will not use the data you have provided in any other context. This information will be stored securely and will be deleted when requested. You have the right to make changes to the details we keep by contacting and updating us at any time.